Windows: Windows XP, Vista, 7 or later
Mac: Mac OS X 10.4 - macOS 10.14.6
In e7.pan demo, up to 50 records can be added in each file. eCalculator is freeware.
Windows: e7.panDemoSetup.exe
Mac: e7.panDemoInstaller.dmg
* For macOS Sierra (Version 10.12) and later:
Before downloading ‘e7.panDemoInstaller.dmg’, the Gatekeeper feature must be disabled in (in the /Applications/Utilities folder).
Type the following command:
sudo spctl --master-disable
You'll be asked for your computer’s administrator password. Once you’ve entered it, Gatekeeper will be disabled and you can download and run the Panorama & e7.pan installer.
After Panorama is installed, you can turn Gatekeeper back on if you want. To do that, again use with this command:
sudo spctl --master-enable